Dental Implants services offered in San Fernando, CA

Nothing can replace the strength, durability, and chewing capacity of your natural teeth, but dental implants come very close. If you lose one or multiple teeth and you want to preserve your jawbone, dental implants provide an excellent treatment option. Dr. Hanna Atalla and the team at Atalla Medical Group regularly use dental implants to restore their patients’ smiles and confidence. Request your consultation today by calling the San Fernando, California, office at 818-639-0209

Dental Implants Q & A

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are replacement tooth roots that your dentist surgically inserts implant/s into your jawbone. Once placed, your bone tissue grows around the implants, holding them firmly in place.

Can anyone receive dental implants?

Dental implants are safe and well-tolerated. However, to qualify to receive them, you must have healthy gum tissue and enough jaw bone to support them fully. If you have a chronic condition, like diabetes or high blood pressure, consult with your provider. These issues won’t necessarily keep you from receiving implants, but they can increase your risk of complications.

What are some advantages of dental implants?

Dental implants present an array of benefits. For instance, they’re much more durable and longer-lasting than traditional oral prosthetics.

Dental implants:

  • Are comfortable
  • Make eating and speaking easier
  • Improve your physical appearance
  • Make brushing and flossing easier

Dental implants also provide an alternative to traditional dentures. If you’re tired of your dentures slipping and sliding around, or you hate having to soak them in a solution overnight, dental implants are worth considering.

What is the process of receiving dental implants?

Getting dental implants typically takes between 6 months and a year. Following surgery, your jawbone needs time to heal. The recovery process is different for everyone, but it takes at least 3-4 months and frequently longer.

Once your jaw bone grows around each implant, you return to the office, and your dentist takes molds of your existing teeth. Your dentist sends these molds to a laboratory that manufactures your crowns that match the color and shape of your natural teeth.

After 2-3 weeks, you return to the office, and your dentist carefully screws your new crowns onto each implant. Dental implants look so natural that only you and your dentist will know you’ve had any work done.

To learn more about restoring your smile, make an appointment at Atalla Medical Group by calling the office or using the online booking tool today.