Warts and skin tags removal services offered in San Fernando, CA

Wart and skin tag removal are common dermatological procedures aimed at eliminating benign growths on the skin. Although both warts and skin tags are typically harmless, people often seek removal for cosmetic reasons or due to discomfort caused by their location. The methods used for removal depend on the type of growth, size, location, and patient preference.

What Are Warts?

Warts are small, rough growths caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They can appear anywhere on the body but are most common on the hands, feet, and genital area. Warts can spread through direct contact and are more likely to develop in areas with broken skin. They are classified into several types:

  • Common warts: Rough, raised bumps that typically appear on the hands or fingers.
  • Plantar warts: Found on the soles of the feet, these can be painful due to pressure when walking.
  • Flat warts: Smooth, flat-topped lesions often found on the face, arms, or legs.
  • Genital warts: Growths in the genital area caused by certain strains of HPV.

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags (acrochordons) are small, soft, benign growths that hang off the skin by a narrow stalk. They are usually painless and often occur in areas where the skin folds or rubs together, such as the neck, armpits, groin, and eyelids. Skin tags are not caused by a virus like warts and do not spread.

Removal Methods for Warts and Skin Tags

Several treatment options are available for the removal of warts and skin tags. The choice depends on factors such as the location, size, and type of growth, as well as patient preferences.

1. Cryotherapy (Freezing)

  • Procedure: Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart or skin tag. The extreme cold causes the tissue to die, and the growth will fall off within a few days or weeks.
  • Ideal for: Both warts and skin tags, especially those that are small and easy to access.
  • Pros: Quick, minimally invasive, and typically done in a doctor’s office.
  • Cons: May require multiple treatments, and mild discomfort or blistering can occur.

2. Electrocautery (Burning)

  • Procedure: Electrocautery involves using an electrical current to burn off the wart or skin tag. The heat destroys the tissue, and the growth is removed or falls off after treatment.
  • Ideal for: Skin tags and warts, particularly those that are resistant to other treatments.
  • Pros: Effective and often performed in a single session.
  • Cons: Can cause minor pain or discomfort, and there’s a risk of scarring.

3. Excision (Cutting)

  • Procedure: The growth is surgically removed using a scalpel or surgical scissors. A local anesthetic is applied to numb the area, and the wart or skin tag is cut off.
  • Ideal for: Larger skin tags or warts, especially in sensitive areas.
  • Pros: Immediate removal with minimal recurrence.
  • Cons: May require stitches for larger excisions, and there’s a risk of scarring.

4. Laser Therapy

  • Procedure: A focused laser beam is used to burn and remove the wart or skin tag by vaporizing the tissue.
  • Ideal for: Resistant warts or skin tags in sensitive or hard-to-reach areas.
  • Pros: Precise and effective, with minimal damage to surrounding tissue.
  • Cons: More expensive than other treatments, and mild discomfort or redness may occur after the procedure.

5. Chemical Peels (for Warts)

  • Procedure: Salicylic acid or other chemical solutions are applied to the wart over time to dissolve the layers of the wart until it is completely removed.
  • Ideal for: Common and plantar warts, particularly smaller ones.
  • Pros: Non-invasive and can be done at home (under the guidance of a doctor).
  • Cons: May take several weeks to months to be fully effective.

6. Ligation (for Skin Tags)

  • Procedure: A small band or string is tied around the base of the skin tag to cut off its blood supply. This causes the tag to wither and eventually fall off.
  • Ideal for: Small to medium-sized skin tags.
  • Pros: Simple and can be done at home or in a clinic.
  • Cons: May take several days for the skin tag to fall off, and there can be some minor discomfort.

At-Home Treatments (for Warts and Skin Tags)

  • Over-the-counter wart treatments: Salicylic acid and other wart removal products can be used at home. These typically require consistent application for several weeks.
  • Skin tag removal kits: Some kits are available for safe at-home removal of skin tags through freezing or ligation.

Post-Removal Care

  • Keep the area clean: Gently wash the area with soap and water to prevent infection.
  • Apply a bandage: Protect the treated area from irritation, especially if the removal involved cryotherapy or electrocautery.
  • Avoid picking at the site: This can lead to scarring or infection.
  • Watch for signs of infection: If you notice excessive redness, swelling, or pus, contact your healthcare provider.

Risks and Considerations

  • Infection: Although rare, improper aftercare can lead to infections.
  • Scarring: Depending on the removal method, minimal scarring may occur.
  • Recurrence: Warts, in particular, may return, as the HPV virus can remain dormant in the skin.

Wart and skin tag removal is generally a safe and effective procedure with various options tailored to individual needs. It is best to consult with a dermatologist to determine the most appropriate treatment based on the specific type and location of the growth.